Why Work With An Attorney On Your Social Security Disability Claim?
Applying for disability benefits is easy, and you can likely file your initial application yourself, to avoid paying an attorney fee. However, once you file, there’s a good chance that your application will be rejected, because the majority of claims are rejected the first time.
If your initial application is rejected by Social Security, you have 60 days to request a hearing. Most applications are denied by Social Security because the claimant failed to prove their claim during the initial application process. You will need a lawyer at the hearing to present evidence and testimony in support of your claim. Without an attorney, the odds are not in your favor that you will be able to meet your burden of proof before the judge. That’s why you should contact Cullen Legal. We provide experienced representation to clients in Bucks County and surrounding areas.
What An Experienced Attorney Can Do For You
There are three general areas that an attorney can help you with when appealing your claim.
- Present your testimony to the judge to explain why you can’t work
- Obtain evidence from your doctors to explain why you can’t work
- Cross-examine Social Security’s vocational expert to show the judge that there are no jobs that you can perform
In an ideal world, this process would be simple and cooperative rather than adversarial. But as things are, you typically have a much better chance at getting approved for benefits if you work with a skilled lawyer.
Contact Us For A Free Discussion About Your Case
If your initial application is rejected by Social Security, call 267-812-5870 or use our online contact form to schedule a meeting with attorney Robert L. Cullen immediately for representation and to discuss filing a timely appeal. We only get paid if we collect benefits for you.