An on-the-job injury can be a major inconvenience. Professionals may require time away from work to heal. Those in blue-collar professions or the service industry may not be able to perform essential job functions until their condition improves. They may need...
Claims Process
What does the Pennsylvania workers’ compensation program cover?
In Pennsylvania, the workers' compensation system serves as a safety net for employees who experience work-related injuries or illnesses. It helps to ensure that injured workers receive quality, no-cost medical care, partial wage replacement and other valuable...
What if workers’ comp benefits end and a worker isn’t better?
Workers' compensation benefits protect injured employees. People who cannot work due to pain or injuries can apply for benefits. They can potentially receive coverage for necessary medical treatment and also disability benefits while they cannot work. In theory,...
Has your workers’ compensation claim been denied?
After a workplace accident, it can be unsettling when your workers’ compensation claim is denied. Missing out on benefits like lost wages and health care coverage can add financial strain to an already challenging situation. However, it’s not the end of the road. Many...
Does Pennsylvania workers’ comp cover a pre-existing condition?
People don't generally understand workers' compensation benefits unless they have had to make use of the program previously. The basics that most people understand include how workers' compensation coverage applies to any injury that occurs on the job and to...
Will workers’ comp companies really spy on you?
Workers' compensation insurance is designed to protect employees who are injured on the job – but insurance companies aren’t known to be particularly trusting of claims. They can and do conduct investigations to determine the legitimacy of claims. To that end, it is...
How to appeal a denial from Pennsylvania workers’ compensation
Workers in Pennsylvania have protections in the event that they get hurt on the job or wind up sickened because of their career. Pennsylvania workers' compensation provides not only medical benefits that cover someone's care but also disability benefits that replace a...
Will workers’ compensation cover your job-related injury?
When you experience an injury in the workplace, you may not understand what to do next to put the pieces back together and move forward. You know that your Pennsylvania employer has workers' compensation insurance coverage, but how can you know if you have grounds for...
What happens if your workers comp claim comes back denied?
If you suffered injuries while you were at work, you understand how complicated your life can become. You may have to miss work while you are in the hospital with injuries or at home recovering, which will have a direct impact on your paycheck. After a few days or...
You can appeal a denied workers’ compensation claim
Workers’ compensation is an invaluable tool that many of us need at some point in our careers. This is doubly true if you work a hazardous vocation like construction. No matter how careful you are, lurking dangers like slipping on a ladder or being struck by...