An on-the-job injury can be a major inconvenience. Professionals may require time away from work to heal. Those in blue-collar professions or the service industry may not be able to perform essential job functions until their condition improves. They may need light-duty job tasks or accommodations to work without worsening their condition.
Workers’ compensation benefits can help those who can’t work as normal due to injuries. Employees are often eligible for medical benefits that pay for their treatment. They may also receive disability benefits if they need time off to heal. Total disability benefits are available for workers who require a leave of absence because of their job-related medical challenges. Partial disability benefits can help supplement the reduced wages of workers relegated to light-duty work.
Those benefits usually end or convert to permanent benefits when the worker returns to their employment full-time. Who decides when that transition occurs?
Doctors set return-to-work dates
A medical professional determines that a worker has a qualifying condition. They decide what restrictions may apply if the worker can continue working. The doctor overseeing the claim also determines what treatment the worker needs to undergo and when they have improved enough to safely return to work.
The physician can also determine that a worker has achieved maximum medical improvement (MMI) and that additional treatment is unlikely to improve their symptoms. The doctor overseeing a worker’s treatment is one of the most influential people during a workers’ compensation claim.
Their understanding of the situation has a direct impact on the benefits the injured worker receives and the support they can secure from their employer. Occasionally, workers find themselves disagreeing with the determination made by a doctor. When that happens, they may need to appeal the end of their benefits. Other times, the employee may require a second opinion.
Injured employees feeling anxious about the future and unsure if they are ready to return to work full time may benefit from learning more about workers’ compensation rules. They may need to review their situation with a skilled legal team to determine what benefits are available and how to respond to an unfavorable decision by a doctor. With the right guidance and support, workers can get the benefits they deserve.