Many Pennsylvanians work in occupations where an accident or equipment malfunction can lead to permanent disfigurement. If that happened to you, you would expect to receive workers’ compensation benefits, right? The way the Workers’ Compensation Act is currently...
Key facts about workplace burn injuries
Burn injuries can be devastating. They are incredibly painful when they occur, and damage caused in mere seconds can last a lifetime. When a worker is injured in this fashion on the job, it can alter everything about their future, from employment status to physical...
How does Pennsylvania compensate workers for lost limbs?
Amputations or traumatic limb losses are some of the most life-altering injuries someone can suffer on the job. Some people will suffer a machinery failure or car crash while working that instantly severs a body part. Other times, the body gets hurt so badly doctors...
What to do if you’re suffering from work-related sarcoidosis
A 2019 study published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine highlighted how some workers are at a higher risk for developing certain medical conditions than others. The researchers pointed out that agricultural or metal workers and...
What are cumulative trauma injuries?
When most people think about work-related injuries, they think about injuries that occur as the result of an accident. Most people don't realize that cumulative trauma injuries can be just as serious, and there are many that fall under this category. Cumulative...
The injury dangers that construction workers face
Ask anyone who works in the construction industry, and they'll likely have plenty of stories to tell you about how dangerous their job is. Certain roles within this field leave workers more apt to suffer injuries than others. Individuals who perform sewer or ductwork,...
A blow to the head could cause a brain injury
If you bang your head in a fall or are struck on the head by an object at work, you might not imagine the effect it could have. People tend to measure the severity of an injury by the amount of blood or the intensity of pain. When you suffer a blow to the head, there...
What happens when you suffer a hernia on the job?
Hernias are painful and often debilitating injuries that people working in physical professions can suffer on the job. Not to be confused with a herniated disc that involves the cushions between the bones in your spine, a hernia involves an organ or fatty tissue and...