Will workers’ compensation cover your job-related injury?

On Behalf of | Aug 15, 2019 | Claims Process, FAQs, Workers' Compensation

When you experience an injury in the workplace, you may not understand what to do next to put the pieces back together and move forward. You know that your Pennsylvania employer has workers’ compensation insurance coverage, but how can you know if you have grounds for a claim? There are certain requirements you must meet in order to have a valid claim.

One of the first steps you will want to take is to determine if you should move forward with a claim. This is a time sensitive process, and you will want to avoid any unnecessary delays. Even before an injury, it can help to fully understand your rights and what steps you should take to secure the recovery you deserve in the event of a workplace accident.

What about your injury?

The intent of workers’ compensation benefits is to provide support for people who suffer injuries in the workplace or as a result of their jobs. However, that does not necessarily guarantee that this insurance will cover every single incident that happens to take place at someone’s job. It may help you understand your options by considering the following:

  • Workers’ compensation generally covers injuries that occurred while working or while doing things at the behest of the employer. This may include things like company picnics or other social events.
  • Workers’ compensation insurance will probably not cover your injury if it took place during your lunch break, even if you were eating in the company break room.
  • Workers’ compensation may cover your injury if the requirements of your job led to a worsening of a preexisting medical or physical condition.
  • Mental conditions sustained as a result of your job are likely considered compensable injuries and valid grounds for a workers’ compensation claim. 

There are specific types of workers not covered by this type of insurance. It is beneficial for you to understand exactly what benefits may be available to you, what you can expect from your employer and how to move forward with a claim if necessary. 

The first step

Many injured workers find it beneficial to first seek counsel regarding their legal options after a work-related injury. An experienced workers’ compensation attorney can help you take the necessary steps to secure what you need to pay for your medical care, lost wages and other accident-related needs. A simple case evaluation is a smart place to start with this process.
