When it comes to protecting your rights as an employee, Pennsylvania has some of the strongest worker’s compensation laws in the country. The state of Pennsylvania requires most employers with one employee or more to provide workersʻ comp coverage starting with the first day of employment. This is true whether the employee is full- or part-time.
Even though this important benefit is available to nearly all employees, injured or ill employees often don’t think to take advantage of the benefit. It could be because they fear retaliation from the employer (which is illegal) or sustaining further financial loss if their claim is denied (you won’t), it could also be because they don’t realize what worker’s compensation can cover.
You have options for care
If you become injured or ill due to your job, your recovery may entail multiple types of assistance. Workersʻ comp can cover your medical care including office visits, imaging and even bandages, prescriptions and braces. It can also cover physical therapy appointments, chiropractic care and other alternative therapies. If you have to miss work while you recover, workersʻ comp could pay your lost wages and even disability benefits. In the most tragic cases, worker’s comp can pay death benefits to survivors should you suffer a fatal accident while on the job.
Because workersʻ compensation is a no-fault system, you do not have to prove that your injury or illness is a result of someone else’s actions. It only needs to hold true that the injury or illness is a result of the work you do. If you have recently suffered from pain or illness due to your place of employment, it would be wise to look into filing a claim. There are strict time limits for claims, so this is not something you want to wait on.