3 steps to take when appealing an SSDI benefit denial

| Aug 31, 2021 | Social Security Disability Claims

You may be in a difficult financial position by the time you decide to apply for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits. It may have been months since you worked, or you could have thousands of dollars in medical bills that you have no way to pay. 

Unfortunately, many people find that they have a long time to wait before they qualify to receive the benefits they need to take care of themselves. It can take a long time for the Social Security Administration (SSA) to process your application, and they could very easily deny your request for benefits even if you have a compelling claim. 

Following the three steps below can help you appeal an unfair denial.

Review the notice to determine the reason for the denial

The most important step before you initiate appeals proceedings is to figure out why the SSA rejected your benefits claim. Maybe you didn’t submit enough medical evidence, or perhaps you made a significant mistake when filling out the application. Understanding what caused the denial will make it easier for you to correct the issue and move forward with an appeal.

Request a reconsideration of your application

Reconsideration can help when the denial is due to a faulty analysis of the severity of your medical condition. The SSA can assign a different professional to review your application and determine if you meet the standards for receiving disability benefits.

Request a hearing with an administrative law judge

An administrative law judge can review your medical documentation and compare it to the SSA standards at a disability appeal hearing. The court can approve a denied claim and even award an applicant benefits dating back to the initial dates of their application if they agree that your condition meets the established criteria.

There are additional appeal options available if the hearing does not end in your favor. Learning about your options for an appeal can help you secure Social Security Disability benefits when you can no longer support yourself.

