All working adults contribute to Social Security. Every time your employer pays you, they withhold part of your income for taxes, including contributions to Social Security. If you are self-employed, run your own business or work as a contractor, you will pay those...
Social Security Disability Claims
3 steps to take when appealing an SSDI benefit denial
You may be in a difficult financial position by the time you decide to apply for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits. It may have been months since you worked, or you could have thousands of dollars in medical bills that you have no way to pay. ...
How do you tell if you qualify for Supplemental Security Income benefits?
Many individuals who have a disabling injury that affects their ability to work find themselves forced to file for either Social Security Disability (SSD) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) to support themselves -- or both. Ultimately, when you file your...
How does Pennsylvania compensate workers for lost limbs?
Amputations or traumatic limb losses are some of the most life-altering injuries someone can suffer on the job. Some people will suffer a machinery failure or car crash while working that instantly severs a body part. Other times, the body gets hurt so badly doctors...
Cognitive impairments and qualifying for Social Security Disability
Cognitive impairments may impact a person's memory, emotional well-being, and behavior, affecting an individual's functional abilities at both home and work. You may find it helpful to learn about the different cognitive impairments that exist. These each affect...
Heading to your Social Security Disability Hearing? Read this first
Your Social Security Disability (SSD) claim was denied -- then, denied again. You filed for a hearing in front of an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) and waited months for your chance to plead your case. The last thing you want to do is to let a simple mistake ruin...
How soon after an injury can you think about filing for Social Security Disability?
Your career was heading the right direction and your life felt like it was fully on track -- and then an accident changed everything. In seconds, life as you knew it was over. You’ve been left with chronic back pain from compressed nerves in your back,...
Can mental health conditions qualify someone for SSDI?
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) may be one of the least understood benefits available for American citizens. People don't understand what it takes to qualify for benefits, and they don't readily understand the different kinds of benefits available, which...
When is diabetes disabling?
Diabetes is a fairly common disease. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), roughly one out of every 10 Americans suffers from the condition in one form or another. For the most part, merely having diabetes isn’t enough for the Social...
How to keep your Social Security Disability claim moving forward
You already know that the majority of people who file for Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits get denied. You may even be prepared to file an appeal. But you can take steps today that will both eliminate unnecessary delays in your claim and reduce the odds of a...