Initiative focuses on work-related problems in health care

On Behalf of | Nov 3, 2015 | Workplace Injuries

As many Pennsylvania residents may know, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration did little with nursing and health care services in the past. That changed on June 25 when OSHA announced a new initiative aimed at health care workers in certain types of facilities.

The new initiative instructs both federal and state regional offices to monitor illnesses and injuries that are work-related. This is meant to involve both nursing homes and other inpatient facilities. The initiatives are meant to target certain major hazards, including musculoskeletal problems, blood borne infective agents, violence in the workplace, tuberculosis and falls. In addition, inspectors are asked to be aware of other circumstances that may be dangerous such as exposure to organisms that have become drug resistant or chemicals that may be hazardous.

The new initiative is intended to apply to hospitals, hospices, psychiatric and substance abuse facilities, skilled nursing and assisted living and other types of facilities related to health care. OSHA has expanded both inspections and the agency’s willingness to issue citations and higher fines than in the past if warranted.

Companies that administer nursing homes and health care are urged to expand their health and safety programs. This may be done by performing OSHA compliance tests. Outside advice on audits may be helpful to save time and money later spent in defense of the facility’s failures.

Workplace accidents may cause a loss of wages and high medical expenses for injured victims. A person who has been injured on the job may want the assistance of an attorney in the preparation and filing of a claim for workers’ compensation benefits that can help ease some of the financial burden.
